Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rise And Shine Sleepy Head

I have a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings, like a REALLY hard time. The problem is waking up with an alarm. The alarm goes off, I hear it, I open my eyes enough to find my alarm,  (sometimes...half the time I just feel around till I find it) I hit snooze and then I'm back to dreamland before I can even give it a second thought. This occurrence repeats itself every five minutes for about half an hour. Yes, half an hour. So I need thirty minutes to join the land of the living. I know this about myself and I set my alarm accordingly. One problem...I'm not the only one in my bed and my husband HATES it! It's bad enough when your spouse has to get up before you and you have to endure their alarm but to endure it for half an hour?! That's just too much. I totally agree but what am I supposed to do? He says turn off the alarm and get out of bed. Well babe I truly am sorry but that just isn't possible. The alarm doesn't actually wake me up. I hit snooze in my sleep and in fact if I get too used to a ringtone I just sleep right through it. If I actually turned off the alarm it could easily be another two hours before I would wake up on my own. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I am NOT a morning person. I will happily let my kids stay up late if it means they will sleep in and in turn let me.

So back to the alarm dilemma. In my defense I would hit snooze and then put my alarm under my pillow so that I could still hear it but him not as much and he would usually put his head under his pillow to muffle the sound but I decided it was time for a change. I knew that last thirty minutes of constantly interrupted sleep was doing me no good so my husband suggested  putting the alarm across the room. A great idea if it wasn't winter and our room wasn't freezing but it is and I knew I would just grab the alarm and dart back under my cozy covers. Then I  had the idea to put the alarm next to the space heater as an incentive to stay out of bed. It was worth a try.

So 6:50 am rolls around, (Yes I know its really not that early) and my alarm across the room on the floor goes off. I get out of bed, drop to the floor next to the heater and turn it on, enter problem number two. (or four or six, whatever I'm at) I have no problem with the floor. I'm comfortable sitting on the floor, working on projects on the floor and apparently...sleeping on the floor, especially curled up next to a toasty space heater.

Day two: I realize if I am to have any hope of waking up with only one or two "snoozes" I am going to need light. So the alarm goes off and me being the considerate wife that I am, put my pillow over my husbands face before turning on the light and hunkering down on the floor. The light helped and I reduced my snooze hits from six to three! This was progress.

The most recent effort in reducing my rise and shine time came about last week when I placed a magazine on the floor with my alarm and heater. I've found if I can just get it flipped open, along with my eyes, The gears in my brain start turning and I am proud to announce I've reduced my snooze hits to two! Yay me! And so far not a word from my sweet husband about the pillow on his head.

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